Msunduzi Mayor

Councillor Themba Njilo

082 954 9241



1,12%Population growth rate


The dependency ratio is slightly above 46%. Black Africans constitute 81% of the population, which is the vast majority of population in the district. The Indian population constitutes 10%, while there is a smaller proportion of white people (6%) and coloured people, who constitute only 3%.


Quick fact

5,5%  of those aged 20+ had no schooling.

Population Groups

Group Percentage
Black African 81,1%
Coloured 2,9%
Indian/Asian 9,8%
White 6%
Other 0,3%

Sex and age distribution

Age Males Females
0-4 4,8% 4,7%
5-9 4,2% 4,2%
10-14 4,4% 4,2%
15-19 5% 5,1%
20-24 5,8% 5,8%
25-29 5,2% 5,3%
30-34 4% 4,1%
35-39 3,6% 3,7%
40-44 2,7% 3,1%
45-49 2,1% 2,1%
50-54 1,7% 2,3%
55-59 1,4% 2,1%
60-64 1,2% 1,7%
65-69 0,7% 1,1%
70-74 0,5% 0,9%
75-79 0,3% 0,6%
80-84 0,2% 0,4%
85+ 0,1% 0,3%


Language Percentage
Afrikaans 1,9%
English 18,7%
IsiNdebele 1%
IsiXhosa 1,8%
IsiZulu 71%
Sepedi 0,2%
Sesotho 1,5%
Setswana 0,5%
Sign Language 0,5%
SiSwati 0,1%
Tshivenda 0%
Xitsonga 0,1%
Other 0.9%
Not Applicable 1,9%

Marital status

Group Percentage
Married 22%
Living together like married partners 4,5%
Never married 68,6%
Widower/Widow 3,5%
Separated 0,5%
Divorced 1%

High school education level (all ages)

Group Percentage
No Schooling 2,3%
Some Primary 36,6%
Completed Primary 5,4%
Some Secondary 31,1%
Completed Secondary 18,6%
Higher Education 3,2%
Not Applicable 2,8%


Sex Percentage
Female 52,4%
Male 47,6%

Living Conditions

45,2% of households are headed by females. The percentage of households residing in formal dwellings is 73,7%, with 47,9% of household having access to piped water inside the dwelling and  51,6% of households having access to a flush toilet..

Settlement Type

Area Percentage
Urban 75,4%
Tribal/Traditional 24%
Farm 0,6%

Household Goods

Item Yes No
Cellphone 89,3% 10,7%
Computer 23,2% 76,8%
Television 80,6% 19,4%
Satellite Television 29,1% 70,9%
Radio 73% 27%
Landline / Telephone 21,8% 78,2%
Motor Car 32,9% 67,1%
Refrigerator 76,6% 23,4%
Electric / Gas-Stove 84,7% 15,3%

Energy or fuel for cooking, heating & lighting

Energy Source Cooking Heating Lighting
Electricity 88,1% 79,3% 91,9%
Gas 2,5% 1,8% 0,2%
Paraffin 6,1% 2,6% 0,6%
Solar 0,2% 0,3% 0,3%
Candles 0% 0% 6,7%
Wood 2,6% 7,8% 0%
Coal 0,1% 0,2% 0%
Animal Dung 0,1% 0,1% 0%
Other 0,2% 0% 0%
None 0,2% 7,9% 0,3%

Access to internet

Access Percentage
From Home 9,5%
From Cellphone 17,1%
From Work 5%
From Elsewhere 6,6%
No Access 61,8%

Tuner status

Tenure Status Percentage
Rented 25,9%
Owned and fully paid off 43,3%
Owned but not yet paid off 14,7%
Occupied rent free 12,7%
Other 3,5%

Source of Water

Source of water Percentage
Regional/Local water scheme (operated by municipality or other water services provider) 89,7%
Borehole 1,2%
Spring 0,9%
Rain water tank 0,7%
Dam/Pool/Stagnant water 1,1%
River/Stream 0,6%
Water vendor 1,1%
Water tanker 2,4%
Other 2,4%

Toilet facilities

Toilet Facility Percentage
None 2%
Flush toilet (connected to sewerage system) 51,6%
Flush toilet (with septic tank) 5,2%
Chemical toilet 3,3%
Pit toilet with ventilation 17,3%
Pit toilet without ventilation 16,8%
Bucket toilet 1%
Other 2,7%

Refuse Disposal

Refuse Disposal Percentage
Removed by local authority/private company at least once a week 53,2%
Removed by local authority/private company less often 1,6%
Communal refuse dump 1,4%
Own refuse dump 37,8%
No rubbish disposal 4,2%
Other 1,7%


Of the 229 672 economically active (employed or unemployed but looking for work) people in the municipality, 33% are unemployed.

Unemployment for those aged 15-64

Employment Status Number
Employed 153909
Unemployed 75763
Discouraged Work Seeker 25229
Not Economically Active 168035

Average household income

Income Percentage
None income 16,1%
R1 – R4,800 4,6%
R4,801 – R9,600 6,8%
R9,601 – R19,600 16,1%
R19,601 – R38,200 16,5%
R38,201 – R76,4000 12,6%
R76,401 – R153,800 10,3%
R153,801 – R307,600 8,8%
R307,601 – R614,400 5,7%
R614,001 – R1,228,800 1,8%
R1,228,801 – R2,457,600 0,5%
R2,457,601+ 0,3%




Agricultural households

Type of specific activity Number
Livestock production 6,472
Poultry production 13,618
Vegetable production 21,237
Production of other crops 4,427
Other 5,660


Type of activity Number
Crops only 0
Animals only 10,017
Mixed farming 6,837
Other 2,159

Income category of agricultural households

Annual income category of agricultural household heads Number
No income 9,337
R1-R4 800 1,327
R4 801-R38 400 17,003
R38 401-R307 200 5,971
R307 201+ 768
Unspecified 1,120